Victim Services

Crime Victims Impact Statement Form


Although many crime victims experience similar feelings, questions and concerns as a result of crime, no two victims experience the same emotional, physical and financial impact.  Only you can tell those of us involved in your case how you or those close to you have been affected by this crime.  One way to do this is to prepare a victim impact statement.  Not all victims are comfortable putting their thoughts on paper, and while you have the opportunity to complete an impact statement, you are under no obligation to do so.

No one knows better than you how this crime may have changed your life.  Thank you for taking the time to provide us with this important information.


Division of Victim Services Staff

Suggestions for Completing your Victim Impact Statement

The following suggestions and the attached form are offered only as a guide.  Please answer as many questions as you wish.  If you need more space, please use additional pages and simply attach these pages to the form when you return it.

Only you know how to best describe the effects this crime has had on you and those close to you.  We realize it  may be difficult to put into words the impact this crime has had on you and those close to you.  Many victims find it helpful to organize their statement by the emotional, physical, and financial effects.  Some victims have found it helpful to write a rough draft of their statement before completing the final statement.  If you should need any assistance in completing your victim impact statement, please feel free to contact our office for assistance at 1-866-522-4087.

Download the Victim Impact Statement and its instructions​:

Victim Impact Statement