
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 – The federal law establishing a zero tolerance approach to prison rape which makes identification, prosecution and elimination of prison rape a top priority of state correctional agencies across the nation. It is the policy of the Mississippi Department of Corrections (MDOC) to maintain a safe and secure environment for all offenders and to maintain zero tolerance for prison rape and other forms of sexual assault in all MDOC facilities. If an offender is being pressured by another offender for money, property, or sexual favors, the offender should immediately contact the Case Manager, Unit Administrator, or any staff member with whom they feel comfortable


MS Dept. of Corrections & MS Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA) in accordance with PREA Standard §115.53 & PREA Standard §115.253 Inmate access to outside confidential support services.

We can provide the support you need.


To Report Sexual Abuse Contact:
MS. Coalition Against Sexual Assault at:
P.O. Box 4172
Jackson, MS 39296
Or Call: